Vriksha means tree. Daan means contributions. For us, this symbolizes the contribution towards "nurturing a tree (such as the banyan)" that will eventually serve the needs of entire community for years ahead in the future.
....that 75% of students who enroll in Grade 1 in India may NEVER make it to COLLEGE?
...that an average child in India spends over 82.8% of their waking hours OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL?
...that destinies can be changed if only these hours are put into productive use!
....Because the defaults in the under served communities is JUST NOT TO GET EDUCATED!
.....Because most of the parents in these communities are so caught up in just barely managing to keep roof above their heads
.....Because someone has to take care of their children while they are spending their lives taking care of ours!
....Because its an unfair playing ground being created between have's and have nots!
....and lastly because completing college can dramatically change the destinies of the students, their family and ultimately the community they live in...
...if only we do something about it!
We are committed to do something about it. Are you too?
Our organization is committed to supporting education by providing scholarships, mentorship, and resources to students from low-income backgrounds. We believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a brighter future for all. Through our partnerships with schools and community organizations, we work to ensure that every student has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Join us in our mission to make education accessible to all!
We work on our mission through our Chains of After School Learning Centers that is setup in the underserved community. Each of the Centers serve as an "Extended Home" providing the most safe and conducive learning space for students whom we prepare to eventually lead a movement of change in their communities. These centers are staffed with a local coordinator.
Each year 15-20 students join each of these center in Grade 8 and go on to receive a "long and deep rooted support" in the form of tuitions/scholarships/soft skilling/financial literacy/mental wellness and practically everything they will ever need till they complete their college.
Established in 2018, SOF today impacts over 500+ families/2000+ dependents spread over 9 locations across Urban Bangalore, Coimbatore and Rural parts of Kerala.
Our hope in that in next 3-5 years we would have flooded the under served communities with enough educated members and started a "movement" of change in each of these communities!
To help us create more impact and change more lives, we would love to invite YOU to join our journey. You can do this by contributing towards our Program costs of running these Learning Centers.
The costs includes
We promise this journey of Giving will be most gratifying and one day you will be proud that YOU have changed lives and destinies of so many people perhaps will go on to live beyond our lifetimes!
For every Dollar or Rupee that you contribute , more than 85 cent/paisa will go directly for our program costs (education fee, learning aids, center operations). Additionally 5-10 cents/paisa may be reserved for corpus account to build financial sustainability for the long run. Remaining may be spent on admin and legal compliance costs.
Please back our mission so that together we can build a better India for all of us.
If not YOU, who? If not NOW, when?
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